Experts in Dry Eye Diagnosis and Management
We are dedicated to bringing new diagnostic tools and different treatment options to our patients. We are also committed to understanding your needs and getting your dry eye under the best management to help preserve your eye health and vision for years to come.
Dr. Shelly Skjolaas
My goal is to help you overcome blurry, dry, irritated uncomfortable eyes. I have seen the effects of untreated dry eye disease and believe everyone should have access to good quality eye care. I have dedicated my continued education and clinic to treating dry eye and ocular surface disease.
I received my Doctor of Optometry degree from Indiana University School of Optometry. After graduating from Indiana University I practiced in the Finger Lakes Region of NY. It was here that my passion for treating dry eye grew as I encountered many patients who were at the end stage effects from poorly treated dry eye disease and ocular surface disease. It was so rewarding to help them to regain vision with special scleral lenses and to provide them with the ability to regain a more normal daily life, without eye pain, and reduced vision. I provide patients with early diagnosis and preventive treatment of dry eyes to provide the best outcomes and prevent them from ever getting to the end stage of dry eye disease.
Dr. Andrew Lindell
I know first hand how bothersome it can be to feel and be aware of your dry, gritty burning eyes. My dry eye disease left my eyes burning, tired and intolerant of contact lenses. By getting the correct treatments to reduce my inflammation and improve my MGD I can now comfortably wear contacts multiple times a week. I have made it my mission to help others be able to overcome dry eye disease and have this lasting relief as well.
I graduated from the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University. After optometry school, I completed an ocular disease and low vision residency at the Connecticut VA Health Care System in West Haven, CT. Together with Dr. Skjolaas I continue to focus my continued education on all of the latest dry eye and ocular surface disease research and treatment options. By correctly identifying the underlying cause of your dry eye disease I can customize the treatment to ensure we protect, repair and promote healing of your eyes.
Support Staff
Leah Shaw
Dry Eye Treatment Coordinator
Assisting in your advanced dry eye treatments Leah is compassionate about making sure your treatments are comfortable and effective. She is here to provide you any additional support before and after your appointments and treatments. Leah is excited to help be your guide to better control over your dry eye.